Looking for
a school?

Whether you are exploring undergraduate or graduate studies, searching for information on tuitions and scholarships, or starting your post-secondary life in Canada or in the USA, we can help you. Our team connects with more than 1000 universities, colleges, and language schools to ensure you get the education you desire. Let’s work together to build your path to success.

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Looking for
a home ?

All of our team members were once international students, so we know the struggles of finding a place to live in Vancouver. With our accommodation & and homestay placement program, you can now focus on your work or studies and worry less about finding a home away from home.

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Looking for
a job?

The average person spends over 90,000 hours at work over the course of their lifetime. Do you care how you spend it? Our team at Audendum is here to help you find your ideal career, internship, or work experience placement

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Looking for
a custodian?

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) requires foreign students studying in Canada to have a legal guardian if they are under the age of Majority. The age of Majority in most provinces is 18 years old and here in BC is 19. Through our BC guardianship program, we can provide custody for your child for the duration of the school year.

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